Bicycle Management Course towards sustainable cities 2nd Ed

Bicycle towards sustainable cities


The introduction of the bicycle in the city is a public policy that favors kinder, more convivial cities, with healthier people, with less pollution and less energy consumption. It also helps to create quality public space and to rationalize the use of motor vehicles. To be successful, mobility management requires a clear roadmap that must include the approval of courageous measures and projects that are developed in the long term. Because of this, it is essential to keep professionals informed and trained.

Blended course of 85 hours from October 17 to December 30, 2017. The theoretical part of the course will be developed online through the e.learning platform. The online part will be complemented with a face-to-face session at the beginning of each of the modules that are part of the program, which are 5. These face-to-face sessions are not compulsory and will only be held if there are enough students to confirm attendance. Initially, it was proposed to carry out these face-to-face sessions but in view of the fact that the students are from other areas of Spain and even abroad, they will be held virtual.

Enrollment: 250 €


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